Thursday, May 15, 2014


G'morning Phoenix peeps! It's Thursday and time to rise and shine. (or to roll over and go back to sleep.....)
Pop Culture Trivia for May 15, 2014
1972: Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot and crippled as he campaigned for the presidency.
1988: The Soviet Union began to withdraw its estimated 115,000 troops from Afghanistan.
Joke of the Day:
Two blondes were driving down the road.
The blonde driving looks at her friend in the passenger seat and asks her to see if her blinker is working. So the blonde looks out the window and says, ''Yes. No. Yes. No.''
Quote of the Day:
Cell phones these days keep getting thinner and smarter... people the opposite.
Random Daily Factoid:
Kite flying is a professional sport in Thailand.
Today's Amazing Place to Visit:
Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Plitvice Lakes National Park is the oldest national park in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia. It was founded in 1949 and is situated in the mountainous karst area of central Croatia, at the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is famous for its lakes arranged in cascades. Currently, 16 lakes can be seen from the surface. The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colors, ranging from azure to green, grey, or blue. The colors change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.
Have a fangtastic Thirsty Thursday my friends!  Brock

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