Saturday, May 31, 2014


Good morning Phoenix! Welcome back to the 80's! Thanks for playing along last night. Today, I'm doing a different kind of post.
This time, YOU give us the trivia. I'll be posting 10 trivia questions today, and another 10 tomorrow. The fan that gets the most correct answers over the two days, and is the first one to do so, will win a little prize. *grins*
In case of a tie, we'll do a tiebreaker question.
RULES: Post your answers ON THIS THREAD. The order of posting will determine the first correct answers.
Must be 18+ years old.
Contest begins May 31, 2014 and ends June 1, 2014.
Please refer to the MB Phoenix Prize Disclaimer posted 9/16/13 for additional rules regarding winners.
This contest is not affiliated with Facebook or Lara Adrian.
Ready? Let's get started.
1. What brother and sister both appeared (before either was famous) in bit parts in 1984's "Sixteen Candles"?
2. What was the first word uttered by Ally Sheedy, the Basket Case in "The Breakfast Club"?
3. What star of "The Breakfast Club" was also part of the original cast of "The Facts of Life"?
4. Who was on the shirt that Mouth was wearing on "The Goonies"?
5. What late 80's pop sensation band had their Grammy revoked for allegedly not singing the vocals on their album?
6. What 80's pop queen got her start on "Star Search", but did not win (she came in second)?
7. Who was the lead singer of Genesis before Phil Collins stepped into the role?
8. What 80's rock band trio agreed to bleach their hair blonde in order to do a chewing gum commercial?
9. Who turned down both the lead role in "Back to the Future" as well as the opportunity to perform the hit song "Danger Zone" for the movie "Top Gun"? *major bad career move….*
10. What soda popular in the 80's had six times the caffeine of any other soda on the market?
Ready? GO!! Remember - post your answers in THIS THREAD.
Have a fangtastic time!  Brock

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