Sunday, June 15, 2014


Good morning Phoenix! Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there, and to the Moms that fill both roles out of necessity. It's your day!
To celebrate the day, today's trivia is all about Father's Day.
The first presidential proclamation honoring fathers was issued in 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson designated the third Sunday in June as Father's Day.
Father's Day in America has been officially celebrated annually since 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed the public law that made it permanent.
Roses are the official flower for Father's Day. A red rose is worn in the lapel if your father is living, a white rose if he is deceased.
Father's Day is celebrated most places on the third Sunday in June, but not everywhere. In Spain and Portugal, for instance, fathers are honored on St. Joseph's Day on March 19. In Australia, it's the first Sunday in September.
Neckties are an old standby and lead the list of Father's Day gifts. Other items high on the list of Father's Day gifts include those items you may find in dad's toolbox such as hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers.
Joke of the Day:
One of the women with whom I work, Donna, has a son in third grade. Part of his daily homework is to practice his spelling for his weekly tests. So, together, Donna and her son go over the words for the test, both meaning and spelling of the words.
A few weeks ago, her son brought home his test. He scored 97%, missing only one word. The word was "clock." Part of the test was to use each spelling list word in a sentence. His sentence? "My dad gave my mom a clock for her birthday" -- only it seems he'd accidentally omitted the letter "L."
Donna said there was no comment on the test, just the biggest check mark she had ever seen.
Quote of the Day:
"A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be."
Random Daily Factoid:
The person credited for inventing the concept of Father's Day is Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd, an American whose father had raised his six children single-handedly.
Have a fangtastic day! Don't forget to wish Aine a very happy birthday!

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