Saturday, December 20, 2014

BB 12.20.14

Good morning/afternoon Phoenix ! Exciting news about Carys' book! If you haven't signed up for Lara's newsletter, what are you waiting for? She loves to give out sneak chapter peeks, plus you can get free goodies! If you need the link, holler and one of us will make sure to hook you up.
Today's WTF Holiday movie is Love Actually.
Trivia: Kris Marshall returned his pay check for the scene where the three American girls undress him. He said he had such a great time having three girls undress him for twenty-one takes, that he was willing to do it for free, and thus returned his check for that day.
Knowing about Billy Bob Thornton's quite unique fear of antique furniture, Hugh Grant would sometimes flash a piece of antique (which is abundant in England) in front of Thornton just before the cameras rolled, and watch him freak out in amusement.
In the scene after Sarah leaves Harry's office following their conversation about her feelings for coworker Karl, two clocks can be seen on the wall showing the time in New York and Brazil. Laura Linney (Sarah) is from New York and Rodrigo Santoro (Karl) is from Brazil.
The very last seconds of the movie the screen is filled with more and more scenes, each smaller and smaller, of people reuniting with loved ones. In the last split second, they form a big "heart" (or "valentine").
Goofs: The scene where John is trying to kiss Judy goodnight, but is too shy, they are wearing the same clothes that they wear at the concert. The concert is their first date. They go to the concert after they had their first kiss. It should have been the other way around.
When Sarah and Karl are in Sarah's room, Sarah's alarm clock over her bedside table says that it is five to twelve. A bit later we can see the same alarm clock and it is ten to twelve. (Karl's watch has another time altogether, but this is not necessarily a goof.)
In the "Wisconsin" scene where Colin meets the American girls and Carol-Anne walks in, you can see a British style light switch near the door.
The license plates on the President's car as he pulls up are not US government plates but plates from the State of Washington.
Have a fangtastic day everyone!  Brock

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