Tuesday, November 17, 2015

BB 11/17/15

Good morning Phoenix, and welcome to Trivia Tuesdays! Today, we’re going to talk about something that is the subject of Carys' talent, which is shadows.

You all know what a shadow is. A shadow is a region where light from a light source is obstructed by an opaque object. It occupies all of the three-dimensional volume behind an object with light in front of it. The cross section of a shadow is a two-dimensional silhouette, or reverse projection of the object blocking the light. It’s the one thing that always follows you.

A point source of light casts only a simple shadow, called an "umbra". For a non-point or "extended" source of light, the shadow is divided into the umbra, penumbra and antumbra. The wider the light source, the more blurred the shadow becomes. If two penumbras overlap, the shadows appear to attract and merge. This is known as the Shadow Blister Effect.

Currently the only astronomical objects able to produce visible shadows on Earth are the sun, the moon and, in the right conditions, Venus or Jupiter.

A shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon is a lunar eclipse. Conversely, a shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth is a solar eclipse.

That’s the scientific description. Now on to some of the myths and legends about shadows in the paranormal realm – namely, shadow people.

Many have claimed to see “shadow people” on a regular basis. These may just be people that are more in tune with the paranormal and can see those that can bend the shadows around themselves. It is said that those that have suffered a severe trauma can see them.

They describe the “shadow people” as:
* about 4-8 feet tall
* seen as solid black forms, not completely transparent - but varied levels of transparency - and varied levels of darkness
* can be male or female
* can be part-bodies - or, not full figure/shape of a body, might be visible as only a torso or might be visible with clear upper body and a 'blob' or inconsistent lower body.

Most reported accounts of people seeing shadow people mention the shadow person as a male, but females have, in fact, been mentioned to a lesser degree. "Long" and "Tall" are the more common descriptions but there are many reports of very short, 4-foot shadow people. The long, tall shapes are often not totally recognizable as a body shape and often, the shorter ones have the 'blob' characteristic. Also, in reports of the shorter shadow people, some have been described as impish or animal shapes. There are sometimes red eyes that are strikingly visible even if the body shape is sort of nondescript. Hats on the shadow person are often reported where the hat shape is very defined, even if, sometimes, the body isn't. The red-eyed and ones with hats are of a particular interest to paranormal researchers. Often, these are the ones believed to be harmful to people.

Have you experienced an encounter with shadow people? It may just be Carys Chase paying you a visit! *grins*

Have a fangtastic day my friends!  <3 Brock V"""V

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