Thursday, July 11, 2013


Good morning Phoenix! It's SHIT day - Sure Happy It's Thursday!
Trivia for today:
On this day in history:
1533: Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII.
1914: Babe Ruth made his major league baseball debut as a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox.
1977: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work to advance civil rights.
Weird laws still on the books:
While not as extreme as the ancient Israelite punishment for adultery (stoning), Greek men still had their fair share of discomfort when their pubic hair was removed and a large radish was shoved up their rectum.
It is illegal for any member of the Nevada legislature to conduct official business wearing a penis costume while the legislature is in session.
*could be because someone might call them dickheads?*
In hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, every room is required to have twin beds. The beds must always be a minimum of two feet apart when a couple rents a room for only one night. And it's illegal to make love on the floor between the beds.
Today is National Cheer up the lonely day. I'm sure none of you wonderful fans are lonely. However, if you are, I hope this cheers you up a bit.
Have a wonderful Midnight Breed Phoenix Day! We love our fans.
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