Monday, July 15, 2013


Good morning Phoenix! It's Monday - another day closer to another weekend. I trust everyone had a nice weekend. On to some trivia:
On this day in history:
1869: Margarine was patented in France by Hippolyte Mege Mouries.
1940: The world's tallest man (8 feet, 11.1 inches), Robert Wadlow, died.
2010: After 86 days of gushing oil into the Gulf of Mexico and several previous attempts to contain the flow, BP caps its leaking oil well.
Some real strange state laws:
Until the law was repealed in 1975, California husbands and wives could both get a 15-year penitentiary term for engaging in certain sexual practices. They were specifically prohibited from engaging in any oral activities, even in the privacy of their own bedroom.
Unmarried adults in Arizona who decide to fool around a little are committing a serious felony. Anyone single, man or woman, caught having sex can be sent to the penitentiary for three full years.
South Dakota threatens a 10-year prison term for "copulation by means of mouth." Utah has made this same act a misdemeanor. There, oral sex brings a six-month jail term and a $299 fine. Rhode Island labels it an "'abominable, detestable crime against nature," and such activity brings a seven-to-10-year stretch in the penitentiary. It is outlawed in New Mexico where participation is punishable by a $5,000 fine and a two-to-10-year sentence. Florida chastises with a 20-year prison sentence those who take part in this act.
Now you know what states to avoid! Isn't it amazing that some of these laws are still on the books? Rarely enforced, I'm sure.
Make it a fantastic Monday everyone!
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