Sunday, August 4, 2013


Good morning and happy Sunday Phoenix! I hope you all have a relaxing Sunday planned.
Trivia time!
On this day in :
1735: Printer John Peter Zenger, defended by Andrew Hamilton, was acquitted of libel in a case that helped foster freedom of the press.
1892: Lizzie Borden's father and stepmother were killed with an axe in Fall River, Mass.
1977: President Carter signed a congressional act that established the Department of Energy.
Strange laws:
Nebraska: It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.
West Virginia and Tennessee: Roadkill may be taken home for supper.
New Mexico: Idiots may not vote. *but I guess they can run for public office??*
Have a fantastic Midnight Breed day!
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Here's a little extra something for you all. Meet the Monkey Orchid! This is real - not photoshopped.
As photoshoped as it may look, the Monkey Orchid actually exists, and yes, it really does match the grinning face of a very small monkey. The scientific name of this very rare flower is Dracula simia, with the first part hinting at the resemblance between its two long spurs to the fangs of Bram Stoker’s famous vampire count, and the second meaning “monkey” in Latin. It only grows in the mountainous regions of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, at an elevation of between 1,000 and 2,000 meters above sea level, but there are a few lucky collectors who have managed to grow it in “captivity”. The Monkey orchid is not season specific, and in its natural habitat it can flower at any time. As if its striking resemblance to a monkey’s face wasn’t astounding enough, this flower actually smells a lot like a ripe orange, as well. Which is kind of ironic, because with a face like that you’d expect it to smell like bananas, right?
I thought this was way cool, because it references Dracula (vampires) and monkeys Kade).
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